We’re a growing organization and we’re always looking for help! Volunteers are eligible for a partial or full discount on their PIP Membership fees upon completion of a negotiated amount of hours.
We are very happy to accommodate folks with disabilities – if you would like to help out but have concerns about your ability to complete the tasks, please get in touch anyway! We can certainly work something out.
Here are some of the roles that we need filled:
Podcast Accessibility Volunteer
- intermediate-advanced computer skills
- basic computer troubleshooting skills
- a laptop you are willing to bring each week
- patience
You should have a basic understanding of what a podcast is and where to download them.
Time commitment is 2 hours every Saturday from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Event Helper
As an event helper, you’ll get a chance to attend workshops for free, get a chance to work with attendees to help them with anything they’re struggling with, and learn how to run events on your own.
Time commitment is 2-4 hours once every two months.
Marketing Assistant
Got a love for social media? How about posters – love those fabulous scraps of paper? We’re looking for a couple volunteers who can help us get the word out about PIP.
- Post on Facebook
- Post on Instagram
- Create a Twitter
- Design posters
- Put up posters
Make some memes, make some friends, maybe make a podcast!
If some or all of the tasks above appeal to you, get in touch.
Time commitment is 1 hour every week or 2 hours biweekly on Saturday from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Board member
Time commitment is 2 hours once a month for board meetings, plus any additional work that may be required. Board members sit for a one-year term and can stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
Time commitment is eternal.