Peterborough Independent Podcasters is a community that helps members find their voice and get that voice into people’s ears. Right now we offer mentoring, workshops, and web hosting. In the near future, we’re hoping to have an audio tool library set up for affordable equipment rentals. If you’re stuck, we can help!
Based in lovely Peterborough, Ontario, we have members from here to Sudbury – and we’d love to expand our reach.
PIP’s Mandate
PIP is a not-for-profit, registered in Ontario. When we filed for incorporation, we submit the following mandate. This mandate guides all of our work, objectives and outlooks.
The members of Peterborough Independent Podcasters endeavour to make podcasts. The corporation seeks to promote podcasting as a culturally inclusive, tolerant and celebratory medium with the potential to foster great freedom of speech and creative expression. In support of the creation of podcasts, Peterborough Independent Podcasters will provide accessible education and professional resources.
Who Are We?
Ayesha Barmania, Managing Director

Ayesha Barmania is a long-time lover of audio storytelling, having worked in community radio and for CBC Radio for several years.
Ayesha founded Peterborough Independent Podcasters after trying to start their own podcast and finding it frustratingly obtuse. Through PIP Ayesha tries to pass along some knowledge and make the process for starting a podcast friendlier.
Ayesha produces the podcast Sounds Like Life, an audio art podcast about the sounds that make you stop and just listen, and Peterborough Currents on the PIP network.
Jeffrey Moore, Webmaster at large

Jeffrey Moore is a jack of all trades with a love for education and an altruistic bend to everything he does. He set up the website out of the goodness of his heart and now returns to PIP occasionally to run the workshops.
Rob Hailman, Board President

Rob Hailman is a musician, photographer, and standard nerd who has called Peterborough home since 2003. When he’s not at a PIP board meeting, you can usually find him puttering around with old electronics, making strange sounds at Trent Radio, or holed up at the Peterborough Darkroom Project.
Devon Wilkins, Secretary

Devon Wilkins is a blind freelance writer and broadcaster in Peterborough, Ontario. She is an active member of the Canadian Council of the Blind (CCB) Peterborough chapter. She currently works with a guide dog named Frankie. She likes to cover issues of interest to people with disabilities – not just health but hobbies, businesses and emerging technology, among many others topics.
Stephen Stamp, Treasurer
Coming soon
Interesting in joining the board? Email us to learn more.